Holly Snow Batman

Hey guys, two things.

First the start of winter is still one month away and we have snow everywhere with predictions of up to 10-30cm in and around Vancouver!!! Still at least we aren’t in Manitoba where there are sever weather warnings again, yesterday the temps got up to -37°C and -41°C!!

The other thing was, last night Jamie met his hero Batman, who was so impressed with his dress-ups that he officially named Jamie BatBoy.

Batman was at the opening of a new Best Buy (Noel Lemings type) store out at Metrotown (huge freaking mall 5x riccarton). The line up was long and it was all boys 5-25 there to meet the caped crusader. Jamie was the ONLY one who put on his batman gear, and everyone was so impressed.

Thankfully there was an official photographer and he’s going to email me the pics, as my camera doesn’t do such a good job focusing in low light. Batman was so impressed with Jamie’s outfit that he talked extra long to him (they were trying to get the boys through fast) and asked him all about his uniform where he was from etc etc. It was so cool and all the staff and parents watching all went “ah” when Jamie walked up to Batman and gave him a huge hug.



PS Batman is Huge!!!


Filed under The Boys, Vancouver

4 responses to “Holly Snow Batman

  1. battie

    wow. cute kid.
    but really i LOVEE Batman.
    He’s a real super hero.
    he taught the world you
    dont need super powers
    to be super! =] ily, batman!

  2. Alishia

    ii love batman sooooo much.

  3. Eva

    Wow. Batman as in Christian-Bale-Batman?

    I would’ve died on the spot. Batman is amazing, and I love Bale’s portrayal. The angst… the heroics sans superpowers… the epic cape… the ability to glide (better than most)… Love it.

    And your Jamie is so cute. I used to have a Batman shirt like that… Now I have one that fits.

  4. Alex Lathrop

    WOW!!! that jamie is lucky to meet batman and i really wanted to meet him too. but i still keep on wondering if batman visit there at best buy sometimes. and if i knew if he visit anywhere i bet they will take a picture of us.

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